Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Mini Kimbap


1-1/2 cup short grain rice
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 bunch baby spinach
carrots, cut into matchsticks
1 cucumber, cut into matchsticks
3 ounces tofu
6 nori sheets, cut into quarters

1 teaspoon tahini
1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon honey
sriracha, to taste (optional)

Press the tofu and cut into strips. Optionally, fry the tofu strips and blot with paper towel.

Cook the rice and immediately stir in salt and half the oil. Set aside to cool.

Blanch the spinach, squeeze out the water and toss with the remaining oil and some salt. Set aside.

Spread some of the rice on the dull side of the nori sheet and arrange fillings in the center. Roll up securely and place seam side down. Cut in half to serve.

Combine remaining ingredients and whisk until well blended. Serve as dipping sauce with the rolls.

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