Friday, November 1, 2013

Aash Reshteh


3-3/4 cup reshteh noodles
2 pounds of mixed herbs (parsley, spinach, dill, cilantro, and green onion)
2/3 cup chickpeas
1 cup black eyed peas
2 cups lentils
2/3 cup kidney beans
8 ounces fresh mint
3 medium onions
2 tablespoons flour
1/4 cup cashew cream
olive oil
salt and pepper, to taste

Cook the beans and allow to cool.

Slice the onions very thinly and fry on low heat until caramelized. Set half of the onion aside for garnish. Add the beans, seasoning, and about 3 cups of hot water to the onion and boil covered for 30 minutes. Add more water, as needed.

Meanwhile, chop the herbs. Add to the soup and cook an additional 10 minutes. Dissolve flour in cold water separately and slowly stir into the soup to thicken. Add the reshteh noodles. Remove the soup from heat and stir in cashew cream.

Fry chopped mint in oil and garnish the soup with a spoonful of kashk, the caramelized onion, and the mint.

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