Monday, June 27, 2016

Patsavoura (Old Rag Pie)


5 tablespoons vegan butter
10 ounces filo pastry
6-8 ounces vegaan feta cheese
2 tablespoons vegan parmesan cheese
2 teaspoons thyme
2 flax eggs
1/2 cup nut milk
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
honey or maple syrup

Lay flat one sheet of filo in a casserole dish. Scrunch up the sheets of filo and place a single layer in the casserole. Crumble half the feta over and sprinkle half the parmesan and thyme. Pour some of the butter over it. Repeat another layer of scrunched filo. Sprinkle remaining feta and parmesan. Pour more of the butter on that. Scrunch large pieces of filo, making sure to cover entire contents of the casserole. Pour remaining butter on top. Sprinkle remaining thyme and the sesame seeds.

Beat the eggs with the milk. Cut through the casserole in several areas and pour the egg mixture over it. Allow to sit half an hour to two hours.

Bake at 350 for 30 minutes until golden brown. Spoon a bit of honey over the top. Allow to sit 10 minutes before cutting with sharp knife.

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