Monday, August 15, 2016

Ghormeh Sabzi


1-1/2 cup red kidney beans
1 onion, chopped
1 tablespoon oil
1 teaspoon turmeric
1-1/2 cup vegetable stock
4 dried lemons
1/2 cup green onion
1/2 cup leeks
1/4 cup chives
2 cups spinach
1/2 cup parsley
1/4 cup cilantro
1 cup fenugreek leaves
1 tablespoon fenugreek seeds
salt and pepper, to taste

Cook onion in the oil and add the turmeric. Add kidney beans and vegetable stock. Bring to simmer.

Meanwhile, finely chop all the herbs.

Pierce the lemons with a fork and add to the saucepan along with the herbs. Stir in fenugreek. Cover and simmer 20 minutes. Add salt and pepper.

Serve with basmati rice.

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