Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Spring Greens Pistou Soup


1 teaspoon oil
2 shallots, diced
1 cup peas
1 bunch baby asparagus
3/4 cup fava beans, skin removed
2 tablespoons parsley, chopped
2 tablespoons mint, chopped
1 cup basil, chopped
1/4 cup olive oil
2 cups vegetable stock
salt and black pepper, to taste

Blanch peas, asparagus, and fava beans. Reserve the cooking liquid. Toss vegetables with parsley, mint, and basil.

In a blender, combine half the mixture with some of the reserved water and puree. Add the olive oil.

In a saucepan, cook the shallot in the oil. Add the pureed mixture, remaining vegetables and stock. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to simmer and immediately remove from heat once soup is warm.

Serve with a dollop of cashew "creme fraiche" or olive oil.

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